Emese Miklós
She has been working with job-seekers for about ten years,
now as a carrier counselor, mentor and trainer. Her professional background is social worker, she has been working with Jövőkerék Foundation since January 2014. Between 2014-2016 she was working in two labor-market project, supporting migrants in job-seeking process, and also took part in their skill improvement, ran a Job club, coordinated volunteers and organized community programs. Her current position is carrier advisor in the program 'SkillsandJobsandFun', working with student of universities from third countries.

Tímea Sófalvi
She has been working with job-seekers since 2002.
She does individual and group consultation, and runs skill improvement trainings. Her professional background: she started as a social worker, then learnt non-profit management and drama methods, a graduated as an MBA at CEU. Beyond supporting job-seeking, she provide support in launching enterprises and writing business plans, as required. She has been working with Jövőkerék Foundation since 2014 together. Her current position is carrier counselor and trainer in 'SkillsandJobsandFun' program.