Open Society Institute Budapest Foundation (OSI) adomány juttatásáról határozott a Jövőkerék Közhasznú Alapítvány részére. Az adomány célja a
Roma Matrix projekt eredményes megvalósításának támogatása. Az adomány összege 47.996 USD, amelyet az OSI részére benyújtott és 2012. november 8.-án jóváhagyott pályázatunkban szereplő költségvetés szerint, 2012. december 31. és 2015. március 31. közötti időszakban használhatunk fel.
The Open Society Institute Budapest (OSI) acts as the administrative and operational headquarters for a number of Open Society initiatives. The office also provides administrative, financial, and technical support to other parts of the Open Society Foundations. The Open Society Institute Budapest also guides programs and grantmaking for the Open Society Roma Initiatives, which seeks to improve the situation of the Roma in Central and Eastern Europe.
The following Open Society initiatives have offices at the Open Society Institute Budapest: the Arts and Culture Program, the At Home in Europe Project , the Education Support Program, the Global Drug Policy Program, the Information Program, the International Higher Education Support Program, the Human Rights and Governance Grants Program, the Hungary Project, the Making the Most of EU Funds for Roma initiative, the Media Program, the Open Society Justice Initiative, the Public Health Program, the Rights Initiatives, the Roma Initiatives, the Think Tank Fund, and the Youth Initiative.
The Open Society Institute–Budapest is located in the Central European University complex, and its programs often share resources with the university.